Calling out all Hrithik Roshan fans! Set in the context of political hostility between India and Pakistan, this movie revolves around air force officers posted in Sri Nagar and Jammu. The lead characters played by Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, are both pilots. The support cast, led by Anil Kapoor, look good as well. The antagonist camp, lead by a long haired terrorist, succeeds in bringing your blood to boil when his intentions are revealed. The attack on unsuspecting Indian soldiers at Pulwama sets the stage for a fightback by Indian soldiers. Hrithik and his colleagues start an aerial retaliation; including some incredible stunts mid air. Two officers get captured, and are focus of the movie shifts towards their rescue.
The story has been
narrated in multiple layers, which gently touches upon cameradarie between
officers, Hrithik Roshan’s past and his martyred fiancĂ©, reunion of Deepika
with her parents who had disowned her.
If you are a
Hrithik fan, you can watch the movie just by looking at him. He flaunts his
physique in a couple of occasions. On the other hand, Deepika’s flawless figure
complements his good looks. There are few songs where dancing skills of both
Hrithik and Deepika can be seen. It is a well directed movie shot in beautiful
locations, and you’ll love every second of it.
Image courtesy: Google