
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Oops those heels hurt!


My Unfinished Life said...

haha common anu, they are not even proper heels!!
but i do know how heels can hurt while commuting in metro, have experienced it myself wearing 4 inch heels one time!!!

Anupama K. Mazumder said...

Well, the first thing the lady in question did once she had occupied the corner was to take those off and heave a sigh of relief!!

Maybe she isnt habituated to such mild 'heels' ..

Anonymous said...

gr8 picture... being able to notice such moments and capturing them is in itself a great thing....

@Anupama and star-Im thinking may b she is so used to 4 inch heels the... these hurt her heels... LOL!! :P

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My Unfinished Life said...

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