
Friday, April 20, 2018

R- Routes

There are many words suitable with my theme that start with R, but if we pinpoint one around which my life revolves around is Routes.

I plan operations of bus routes as my job, and needless to say, they hover in my subconscious mind all the time. Thanks to this job, I have travelled to different parts of the city which I would not have gone to under usual circumstances and also have drawn them out on a map of Delhi.

Our bus routes have all been digitized in a GIS map with every bus stop located on it, for the purposes of monitoring of our services. I am often required to refer to these maps to take decisions. – the city map has thus got ingrained in my memory. As a result, I can give you directions to a colony you may have never heard about before, but I shall refer it like I see it in a map – north of X place, west of Y road.

My team also constantly monitors financial performance of routes, temporal and directional variation of travel pattern of passengers, etc. Each route has its own peculiarities. For example, a route serving the Airport shows a sudden splurge of demand around the shift change timings. 

Are you a working professional? What is your job profile all about?
Read previous posts on Theme: Things my life revolves around: A, BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ

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